Category Archives: News

Arctic heat transformations

The great frozen (for now) expanse of the Arctic is both a linchpin of climate change and a signifier of the effects of climate change. For the latter, look to…

The heat is rising – as is fossil fuel’s toll on fresh water

May, June and July were the hottest on record for the continental United States. No surprise to those of us living here. From Joe Romm’s summation of NOAA’s report on…

Vox goes deep on climate change

David Roberts of Vox is on a tear. His lengthy, data-filled pieces on climate change and energy provide nuance and context, and paint clear pictures of complicated issues. Here are…

Kids making a difference – Utah edition

Once again, high school kids are getting results. In the deeply red state of Utah, students got the state government to reverse course and acknowledge climate change. The keys to…

Inuit on the edge

The Guardian has an on-the-scene take on this past winter in northern Alaska: What happened to winter? Vanishing ice convulses Alaskans’ way of life. The story’s context: The winter was…