Category Archives: Activism

Fractals, fossil fuels and effective change

Words matter, and by extension so, too, do conceptualizing and framing. We’ve endured the world’s leaders failing to take effective action on the climate emergency. A pair of University of…

McKibben: defund the fossil fuel industry

The latest climate reports (UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 1.5°C warming report, US Fourth National Climate Assessment, IPCC land use report), make it obvious that time is short for…

Heartening news in the face of worsening climate change

Following on the heels of the IPCC special report and the National Climate Assessment, the news that the world’s carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels increased in 2018 can feel…

The danger ahead and the Green New Deal

The Fourth National Climate Assessment is the latest in a drumbeat of bad news about climate change. The numbers are clear, climate change is going to cause increasing amounts of…

Doom and hope

It’s been difficult to think about climate change during this time of deeply counterproductive practices and policies. Then the IPCC’s latest report came out. The impacts and costs of 2.7…

Reflecting on James Hansen

We have reached the 30 year mark of James Hansen’s landmark testimony to Congress about climate change. There’s been a lot of coverage about how strikingly accurate Hansen’s projections were….

The anti-extinction rapid response team

What would you do if you found a highly endangered or thought-to-be-extinct plant about to become roadkill on the highway of human activity? A group of Californians is rescuing endangered…

Gina McCarthy says don’t get down, get out there

Obama EPA head Gina McCarthy says she’s mad about what Scott Pruitt and Donald Trump are doing to the agency she once ran, but she’s not letting it get her…